Every Easter, we celebrate the impossible becoming possible. We celebrate Jesus’
Resurrection, and we celebrate our redemption and our hope of eternal life, joy, and peace.
No matter what impossibly heavy cross we carry or impossibly difficult challenge we face, nothing is too heavy or too difficult for Jesus.
Jesus can help us. Jesus wants to help us. Jesus does help us carry our crosses and deal with our challenges. Just as He rolled away the stone blocking His tomb on Easter morning, He can roll away the obstacles that stand in our way of experiencing a closer, more loving, more joyful relationship with Him.
If you or someone you love is carrying a burden right now that seems impossibly heavy, use the secure form below to enroll your intentions in our Easter Novena of Masses, celebrated by the Dominican Friars from March 22 through March 30 at the Rosary Shrine of Saint Jude.
Sincerely in Our Lady and Saint Jude,
Father John Paul Kern, O.P.
Rosary Shrine of Saint Jude