Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes

God often wants to grant us healing, both physical and spiritual. One of the most powerful ways Our Lord does this is through His mother and ours, the Blessed Virgin Mary. This was dramatically evident on February 11, 1858, when Our Blessed Mother appeared to Saint Bernadette Soubirous in a grotto outside Lourdes, France.

So that people would know her appearance to be true, the Blessed Virgin Mary led Saint Bernadette to uncover a hidden spring. These holy waters at Lourdes would offer comfort, hope and healing to the most desperately sick and troubled.

Today, 166 years later, that blessed spring still provides life-giving water. And today, it still offers healing, strength and well-being to people from around the world. At Lourdes, those who are ill and in need find healing for their souls. They receive forgiveness for their sins and experience powerful graces and transforming inner peace. Some even discover joy in suffering.

I invite you to join those pilgrims in spirit, asking Our Lady of Lourdes for healing, by participating with the Dominican Friars at The Rosary Shrine of Saint Jude in a very special Novena of Masses for healing. We will begin this spiritually powerful Novena on February 3 and conclude on February 11, the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes.

When you enroll in this Novena to Our Lady of Lourdes, you and your Family will also be remembered in our special Family Blessing Mass on February 11.

Sincerely in Our Lady of Lourdes,

Father John Paul Kern, O.P.
Rosary Shrine of Saint Jude

Submit your novena intentions using the form below (donation required).