
Easter Novena
in novena

Easter Novena

Dear Friend of Our Lady and St. Jude, You and I have been so richly blessed with faith. We’ve felt God’s love, His tender compassion, His mercy. Our lives have been greatly enriched. But so...

St. Jude Novena
in Church, novena

St. Jude Novena

Dear friends of St. Jude & the Blessed Mother, Sometimes, even for those with strong faith, it can be very difficult to accept the depth and intensity of loss and suffering that sometimes comes into...

Father's Day Novena
in novena

Father’s Day Novena

Father’s Day Sunday, June 18th marks the beginning of our annual Father’s Day Novena of Masses here at the Rosary Shrine of Saint Jude. Please send us your prayer intentions by using the donation form...

Easter Novena
in Inspiration, novena

Easter Novena

Dear Friend of Our Lady and Saint Jude, During this Lenten season of repentance and reconciliation, we joyfully anticipate the Easter greeting spoken by the Risen Christ to His disciples, “Peace be with you.” Through...