St. Anne Novena

St. Anne Novena

Dear Friend of Our Lady and Saint Jude,

Do you remember your grandparents with fondness, respect and appreciation? Every year, on July 26th, the Church invites us to venerate the memory of good St. Anne, the grandmother of Jesus.

It’s the older and wiser generations among us, parents, grandparents and other mentors, who provide the foundations of faith for the younger generations. They model for the young exactly what it means to be a person of true faith and con dence in God. Without their good example and role modeling, children, adolescents and young adults today would have no heroes of faith to admire, no standards and values to aspire to.

I invite you to join us at The Rosary Shrine of St. Jude in honoring St. Anne and St. Joachim and all those who, by their good example, are role models of faith for our younger generations. The Dominican Friars at the Shrine will pray for you, your family and all your loved ones, living and deceased during our Special St. Anne’s Feast Day Novena beginning on July 18th and concluding with her Feast Day Mass on July 26th. Please send us your special intentions and the names of all those you wish us to pray for on the prayer intention form below

I pray that you and I follow closely in the footsteps of St. Anne, Our Blessed Mother and all the Saints who have been our dear and beloved role models of faith. With God’s help and guidance, may we do the same for the young in our families, our churches and neighborhoods today. Please keep the Friars in your prayers as we do the same for you and your loved ones.

Yours in the Holy Family,



Father Gabriel Gillen, O.P.
Rosary Shrine of Saint Jude
